In the city of Karachi, we have dozens of kitchens styles in use but GLASS KITCHENS is the most trendy, lavish and latest style being preferred by the customers.

GLASS KITCHENS has several advantages compared to other styles. One of them is you can give any color you want in your kitchen by just painting the back side of glass. The most common choice of people is BLACK because it is very attractive and charming and your kitchen looks very decent. Mostly kitchens manufactured in Karachi are in white color because white looks very bright and adjusts with any color.

In 2023, the most favoriute trend of kitchens in karachi is high gloss kitchens. Many people think that high gloss is a material but high gloss is not actually a material. It is a finish and you can give this finish through some of materials like, paint, polyester, glass, polyurethane and p.v.c. However, common problem in high gloss kitchens is that if any sharp thing touches it , it can be damaged or get a scratch on it. You can remove the scratch from only polyester but you cannot remove it from other materials. On the side in GLASS KITCHENS, it is rare that it gets any scratch because glass is very hard material and scratches come on it in very rarely.

You can also give horizontal lines on your kitchen shutters. These lines look like very sober. They can be made from etching to glass. It is also important to tamper the glass because it is a very sensitive material and can break easily.

In 2023, handleless kitchens has come quite in fashion in most homes in Karachi. They look very smart and you can also give different colors to your kitchen. You may give more than two colors but they should not be mixed. They must match with each other to give a sober and attractive look. You can give one color in base and tall units and another in wall units.

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